Tag Archives: GSK

Thoughts on Afami-cel’s Promising Clinical and Translational Data for SS and MRCLS; Adaptimmune’s Ph2 SPEARHEAD-1 Trial on Track to Meet Its Primary Endpoint by YE 2021

On Thursday, November 11, Adaptimmune reported (press release) updated clinical and translational data from afami-cel’s (MAGE-A4 SPEAR-T; formerly ADP-A2M4) Ph2 SPEARHEAD-1 trial for advanced synovial sarcoma (SS) and myxoid / round cell liposarcoma (MRCLS) at CTOS 2021. Below, Celltelligence provides insights on Adaptimmune’s CMC preparations ahead of afami-cel’s BLA filing, while discussing how afami-cel compares to GSK’s lete-cel (NY-ESO-1 TCR-T) in MRCLS.

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The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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BMS’s Breyanzi and Abecma Sales Increase; Could Abecma’s Continued Viral Vector Shortage Favor Cilta-cel’s Upcoming Launch? No Updates on GSK’s Cell Therapy Assets; BMS and GSK Q3 2021 Earnings Call Summaries

On Wednesday, October 27, BMS held their Q3 2021 earnings presentation (press release / presentation) highlighting Breyanzi’s (CD19 CAR-T) and Abecma’s (BCMA CAR-T) continued revenue growth. Furthermore, management commented that Abecma’s vector supply issues may not be fully resolved before H2 2022. On the same day, GSK presented their Q3 2021 financial results (press release / presentation). However, the company did not provide any updates on their cell therapy assets in development.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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GSK Explores Better Patient Selection Methods for Lete-cel; Could 2seventy bio Nominate Medigene’s PRAME TCR-T as Their Second Target? Adaptimmune Presents Preclinical Data from ADP-A2M4CD8; No Updated Preclinical Results from Carisma; Tecartus Absent from CHMP Highlights; ESMO 2021 Day 1&2

On the first two days of ESMO 2021, four key pre-clinical and clinical presentations from GSK, Medigene, Adaptimmune, and Carisma were presented. On Friday, September 17, the CHMP highlights for September were released. Of note, no updates from Tecartus’s Type II variation for r/r adult ALL were observed. Below, Celltelligence provides insights and context for each presentation, while providing likely EU approval timelines for Tecartus.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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GSK and Adaptimmune Present TCR-T Data for Lete-cel and Afami-cel; Novel CAR-Ts for Solid Tumors From Minerva and OriginCell; Will Remodeling the TME With CAR-Ts Improve Solid Tumor Therapies? ASCO 2021 Day 3 Part I

On the third day of ASCO 2021, seven key solid tumor related updates were presented from GSK, Adaptimmune, Minerva, OriginCell Therapeutics, Baylor College / NCI, and UPenn. Below, Celltelligence provides insights and context for each presentation.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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