Category Archives: BCMA

Gilead Reports Strong Cell Therapy Revenues; ZUMA-23 Delayed? New Galapagos Asset Added to the Pipeline; Gilead’s Q4 2022 Earnings Call Summary; Gracell Reports FDA IND Clearance for GC012F in R/R MM

On Thursday, February 2, Gilead (Kite) held its Q4 and FY 2022 earnings call (press release / presentation) highlighting WW FY 2022 cell therapy revenue of $1.5B, while noting a potential delay in the initiation of Yescarta’s (CD19 CAR-T) Ph3 ZUMA-23 trial for 1L HR LBCL. Moreover, Gilead included a new cell therapy asset in its pipeline and confirmed that Arcellx’s collaboration for CART-ddBCMA has been completed. On Friday, February 3, Gracell announced (press release) that the FDA cleared GC012F’s (autologous CD19xBCMA FastCAR-T) IND application for a Ph1b/2 trial in r/r MM. Below, Celltelligence provides insights on Gilead’s cell therapy revenue increase, while discussing Gracell’s major regulatory milestone.

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The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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Increased Sales for Abecma and Breyanzi; BMS to Ramp Up Manufacturing Capacity in 2023; No Clinical or Regulatory Updates; BMS Q4 2022 Earnings Call Summary

On Thursday, February 2, BMS held its Q4 and FY 2022 earnings call (press release / presentation) highlighting significant revenue increases for both Abecma (BCMA CAR-T) and Breyanzi (CD19 CAR-T). Additionally, management commented on BMS’s strategy to ramp up cell therapy manufacturing production in 2023. Below, Celltelligence provides insights on how Breyanzi and Abecma revenues compare with key competitors Kymriah (Novartis’s CD19 CAR-T), Yescarta (Gilead / Kite’s CD19 CAR-T), and Carvykti (JNJ / Legend’s BCMA CAR-T), while discussing the impact that BMS’s manufacturing strategy could have in its cell therapy franchise’s revenue during 2023.

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The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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Kymriah’s Sales Remain Flat; YTB323 to Be Evaluated in 1L HR LBCL; No Updates for PHE885; Novartis Q4 2022 Earnings Call Summary

On Wednesday, February 1, 2022, Novartis held their Q4 and FY 2022 earnings call (press release / presentation) reporting $139M in Kymriah’s (CD19 CAR-T) WW sales. Of note, the company highlighted their plan to evaluate YTB323 (rapcabtagene autoleucel; T-Charge CD19 CAR-T) in 1L HR LBCL. Below, Celltelligence provides insights on Kymriah’s Q4 revenue, while discussing YTB323’s potential in 1L HR LBCL and PHE885’s absence of updates.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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Thoughts on Carvykti’s CARTITUDE-4 Meeting Its Primary Endpoint in 2 – 4L MM

On Friday, January 27, JNJ and Legend reported (JNJ’s press release; Legend’s press release) positive topline results from Carvykti’s (BCMA CAR-T) Ph3 CARTITUDE-4 trial in 2 – 4L MM. Below, Celltelligence provides insights on how Carvykti’s potential approval timeline in r/r MM compares with key competitor Abecma (BMS / 2seventy’s BCMA CAR-T), while discussing JNJ / Legend’s difficulties in delivering Carvykti to patients.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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Carvykti’s CARTITUDE-4 Met its Primary Endpoint in r/r MM

On Friday, January 27, Legend Biotech announced (press release) that Carvykti’s (BCMA CAR-T) Ph3 CARTITUDE-4 trial in 2 – 4L MM met its primary endpoint (PFS), demonstrating a statistically significant improvement compared to the SOC (PVd or DPd). The Celltelligence team will be conducting an in-depth analysis in the coming days.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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Carvykti’s Revenue Remains Flat; CARTITUDE-4 Readout Expected in 2023; JNJ Q4 2022 Earnings Call Summary

On Tuesday, January 24, JNJ held their Q4 and FY 2022 earnings call (press release / presentation) confirming that a data readout from Carvykti’s (BCMA CAR-T) Ph3 CARTITUDE-4 trial for 2 – 4L MM is expected in 2023. On the same day, Legend disclosed (SEC filing, Jan 2023) that Carvykti’s preliminary WW sales for Q4 2022 were $55M. Below, Celltelligence provides insights on Carvykti’s flat revenue, while discussing potential US regulatory timelines for Carvykti in 2L MM.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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JPM 2023 Analysis Day 4: Autolus and Caribou Biosciences

On the fourth and final day of JPM 2023, Celltelligence covered presentations from Autolus (webcast / presentation) and Caribou Biosciences (webcast / presentation). Below, Celltelligence provides insights and context for each presentation. The following topics are covered below.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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JPM 2023 Analysis Day 1: BMS, Novartis, JNJ, and Gilead

On the first day of JPM 2023, Celltelligence covered presentations by BMS (presentation), Novartis (presentation), JNJ (webcast), and Gilead (presentation). Below, Celltelligence provides insights and context for each presentation. The following topics are covered below.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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You May Have Missed: ASH 2022 Analyses

During ASH 2022, the Celltelligence team published an eight-part series analyzing the latest cell therapy-related clinical updates:

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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Updated Results from CART-ddBCMA in R/R MM; Could Gilead Take an Interest in the ARC-SparX Platform? Arcellx Meets Clinical Milestones; ASH 2022 Arcellx Investor Event

On Sunday, December 11, Arcellx held an ASH investor event (presentation) highlighting updated clinical data from CART-ddBCMA’s (autologous BCMA CAR-T) Ph1 trial in patients with r/r MM. Moreover, management provided further details on their recently signed collaboration with Gilead (Kite). Below, Celltelligence provides insights on CART-ddBCMA’s potential best-in-class profile while discussing how Gilead’s collaboration could impact the MM space in the long-term.

About The Author

The Celltelligence Team

Content Leads & Contributors

The Celltelligence team has combined experience in oncology, including cell therapy, CAR-T, immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, and other various fields in life sciences. Our team members include PhDs, industry veterans, and analysts tuned to The Street – all of whom help to create a more actionable service of delivering cell therapy intelligence.

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